4 Ways A.I. Empowers Email Marketing Campaigns
“Sell me this pen” was the last dialogue of the film The Wolf of Wall Street, all in favor of the importance sales and marketing hold for any business. Ever since there have been formal enterprises, different unique methods have been in practice for marketing products and increasing the customer base in a highly competitive environment. In recent years, an increase in market freedom and enhanced connectivity has made businesses even more competitive, making every entrepreneur figuratively at neck with with each other. In this milieu, marketing the product via email has been a great vocation in the past few decades.
After the establishment of reliance on the Internet, email was used vastly by companies such as Amazon, Microsoft and Ikea to broadcast their advertisements. However, there was no strategy involved other than bombarding emails to random accounts. For long have such spam emails been seen as a nuisance that create mess in the inbox and are usually unrelated to the tastes and requirements of the recipient.
At this point, A.I. comes into play. Already having extended into multiple applications, A.I. is now the backbone of email marketing with its extensive calculating power and ability to target populations. With the correct usage, employment of A.I. can increase the benefits of email-driven marketing campaigns and boost sales like never before. How? We’ll take a look in this article.
1) Enhanced Data Analysis Capability
Before A.I., data scientists used statistical analyses for predicting market trends and devising a feasible strategy for running the product. Today, A.I. bots and intelligent algorithms are fed with data for accurate calculations of product trajectories, market trends and user preference. This ensures that only the most workable strategy is employed for marketing a product.
This is an unprecedented feat because it prevents being submerged in the myriad of data and allows the extraction of the necessary key insights to the market. Additionally, the pace for developing and changing strategies is no more at human levels: with its high adaptability, A.I. evolves and forms marketing plans using the real-time situation.
2) Whom to sell to? – determining target consumers
Marketing strategies and plans used by humans are often not completely capable of delivering the advertisement only to the correct person: each recipient is devised by mere predictions which has a higher degree of error. The end result of this approach is sending advertisement in the dark only with the speculation that the person on the receiving end of the email might be potentially interested in the product. Artificial intelligence marketing bots, on the other hand, use consumer insights such as online browsing trends and track online activity to generate potential target groups for a particular product. In addition, the population might be classified on the basis of different particulars such as age, ethnicity, education and profession.
This is extremely valuable because shrinking the target group to only the most probable buyer population is economical in terms of the time, resources and efforts spent on advertisement of a product. Frankly, this ensures that a young man receives advertisement for running shoes instead of old-age homes.
3) What to advertise? – personalizing emails
Machine learning is not limited to merely selecting the population – it is also able to produce the most effective recommendations and marketing content that a potential buyer will be most responsive to. In instances of developing custom marketing messages, this is very beneficial for tailoring the product according to the needs of the buyer; for example, various streaming platforms and music applications use A.I. algorithms to suggest custom-selected content for users according to their needs.
In addition, the chatbots are more likely to use specified messaging cues and a language structure that has a higher impact on the user, as determined by the already-present knowledge of consumer behavior and activity. This is done by keeping track of the advertisements the consumer has replied to most frequently, thus creating a prominent customer persona and using the most suitable method of advertisement in the future.
4) How to profit more? – adapting quickly
As stated earlier, artificial intelligence and machine learning systems are capable of analyzing the real-time situation of market behavior and devise strategies instantaneously: in a free market, entrepreneurial competition changes at a very rapid rate, to which the A.I. responds by devising price changes and calculating product costs and profit margins. This ensures that the product remains at an optimum level of desirability with the best possible prices and the highest potential profit margins.
The adaptability of the A.I. also allows exclusion of red tape in policy-making and any possible changing in plans, making sure that no business is lost in the transition and no customer is left behind to other enterprises.
Apart from these benefits, A.I. can also be used to create an effective customer service structure that responds to the specific needs of the consumer as fast as possible. Today, the trend of employing A.I. in marketing fields is growing rapidly, with a large number of policy-makers identifying A.I. as a helpful business resource that has the ability to change the fate of any company with proper usage.