3 Psychological Tricks Top Brands Use To Get Leads

3 Psychological Tricks Top Brands Use To Get Leads

3 Psychological Tricks Top Brands Use To Get Leads

a picture of paper money shaped into a brain, to represent the psychological factors of making money

Take a minute and think of the last few purchases you have made this week. Did you order something from your favorite brand? Or some household items you saw online? How about stopping at the gas station and ending up having some snacks from the snack store or fast food that you did not plan to have? Whether you agree with this or not, but almost every purchase you make is somehow influenced by environmental and psychological factors that you are not aware of. Human minds are not really that different, and neither are they that hard to persuade. That is why business owners and advertisers, in addition to philosophical teachings such as stoicism, also use the teachings of psychology as a basis for getting consumers on board in order to create loyalty, and eventually make sales.

1) The psychological trick of branding:

a picture showing an ancient Egyptian tomb

Ever since the dawn of commerce 150,000 years ago, humans have been exchanging goods and services. Initially, there was barter system- the exchange of goods for goods. But with the growth of civilization and commerce, this system revolutionized. In 2700 B.C.E., Egyptians were trading livestock on an unprecedented level. Over time as this trading grew, it also led to an increase in the frequency of stolen livestock. This was the first time in history when Egyptians came up with the idea to differentiate their livestock with similar livestock, to provide them with a different and unique identity by carving unique symbols on them. And this led to the birth of “branding”, a psychological trick that businesses still use today to stand out and subconsciously land in your minds for forever.

Question yourself time:

a picture of a closed Nike store at night

Think of it; why is NIKE worth above 30 billion dollars? Is it just because of the quality? Or are they cheaper than their competitors? Probably not. What makes NIKE stand out in the market of shoes is their branding. When you are buying NIKE, you might not think about the quality, because we all know we can get the same quality in other brands too. But it is your brain which is playing tricks on you. You buy the brand because of its reputation, the swoosh design and because it makes you think about Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Ronaldo, and the athletes you grew up seeing wearing NIKE on TV or in grounds. Because the brand allows them to have a deeper connection with something they feel relatable with. This is how branding tricks your mind; it makes you think that you are connected to something big; this trick creates a long-lasting impression in your subconscious mind. And eventually, you do what the brand wants. You become a customer.

2) The psychological trick of association:

There is a more significant psychological aspect in deciding whether or not an individual would be a lifetime business client. And there is a greater psychological aspect in determining whether or not an individual would be a lifetime business client. A research study shows people tend to stick to the brands they have many memories with. The arousal of the emotions, whether be good, bad plays a considerable role in deciding whether a client would stick to the brand or not. Customers adhere to the brands they have some association with, even if they do not have any information about what message the brand has been delivering. Think of it, when you go to any grocery store do you care about the branding, which is 60% of the times you are. But you still choose the brand you have been choosing for years.

Question yourself time:

a picture of 4 chanel perfume bottles placed on a white surface

Have you ever thought why many chocolate and perfume brands focus on gifting their products to someone? Why their advertisements are full of couples making memories using their brands? It is because of the association your mind makes with the particular brand. In all our senses, our sense of smell is most closely connected to our memory. Perfumes can trigger a feeling of nostalgia in our everyday lives. They can make us viscerally relive the past like a fragrance.

This is where psychology kicks in, suppose you put on your new perfume and the same day you meet your significant other and spend quality time with them. This memory will make you long term client of the perfume company. It is because your mind will always relate this memory with the brand and associate it with a positive relationship with your partner. It also goes the other way around if a particular brand triggers the negative memories you might never repurchase the brand.

3) The psychological trick of reciprocity:

a picture of a seated woman holding her phone and smiling at a man holding his phone

An analysis by renowned psychologist Robert Cialdini, has shown that customers would tip more when a waiter brings a mint with their check. Reciprocity is a way of distributing items with another in order to achieve shared profit. The law of reciprocity is a societal practice where, if someone does anything for you, you feel compelled to return the favor. One area where this principle is widely used is in the world of marketing. Marketers employ a wide variety of tactics to persuade customers to buy their brand. Some of them include discounts, coupons, and exclusive deals.

Question your self-time:

a picture of a person handing a package to another person

Suppose every Sunday you provide a free favor to your neighbors. For example, each Sunday you send them a small portion of what you cooked and continue doing so for a few months. After some time, if you ask them for a favor such as cooking for you for a day, your neighbor will comply without a second thought. Because of the favors you provided them, they feel obliged to do the same for you. In psychology, this principle is known as the give, give give, and ask principle. Smaller businesses and solo entrepreneurs mostly use this trick. A perfect example of this are free trials provided to new users. After a while businesses ask if you liked their service and would like to pay to continue using their service. Because of the value you received, you may choose to go ahead and proceed with payment.